David Campbell Lester

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Contact US To Build Your Money EMPIRE!

Interested in Financial Coaching or Consulting for your agency or business?

Let me be your financial coach! Coaching is taking someone from where they are to where they want to be financially.  If you can imagine it you can achieve it! I work with you through a solution based coaching program and apply the results to money, business and your personal life.

  • First we design your ideal reality in all areas of your life from money, relationships, family, to business.

  • With my banking and brokerage experience plus my training as a life coach we decide what you want, why you want it, and then implement the plan.

  • No area of life that touches money won’t be optimized.

I have helped hundreds of clients go from being horrible with money to being money super stars. It’s all about the relationship you have with it.

Contact us below to find out more.